Surf Culture Now
Go down to any beach today and you cant help flashback to the 70’s. There’s a resurgence of Longhair, single fins and the whole Animal era look about it. Retro is back in a big way with Mals, twinnies, paipos, vintage shapes and the latest multi fin designs all sharing the lineup. Gone is that old animosity like there was in the past. Mals and shortboards used to clash, likewise bodyboarders and surfers used to hate one another now no-one really cares. Today everyone is too busy doing their own thing. As a surf photographer its perfect, so much variety to shoot its hard to get bored. Everyone loves the era they grew up in. For me its the 70’s so I’m totally stoked to see the carving cutback re invented. It will be interesting to see if there will be a 80’s era resurgence in the future with fluro everything, boy band haircuts, the full pro scene look and agro cut throat my wave attitude that defined much of that decade.Below the look today and then.
Hawaiian style
Maddog with ciggy, flares, old falcon and single fin 1973
70’s original stylers